表格填妥后,与张秘书联系时间, 呈交表格与证件,手机号码96159105 ,亲自携同相关影印件副本 ,往李氏总会交予张秘书。
若有任何疑问,请致电张秘书 62967388;Website: www.lee-clan.org.sg 。
Application for Singapore Lee Clan General Association 2021 scholarship and bursary for primary and secondary school students is now open.
Interested applicants, please proceed to our association website https://leeclan.singchen.com/scholarship/apply to download the “Grant Application Rules and Forms” or apply directly online. Application submission closing date is 2nd December 2020.
After completion of the application form, please arrange with Secretary Ms Zhang ( HP : 9615 9105 ) the time and bring personally, together with relevant photocopy of supporting documents to our association
Address: 363C Jalan Besar, Singapore 208994.
For any clarification, please contact Secretary Zhang at Phone: 62967388;
Our Website: www.lee-clan.org.sg